What forms of payment do you accept?
We currently accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, JCB, Diner's Club, PayPal, Shopify Pay, Apple Pay and Google Pay.Â
Our online store accepts US credit cards and valid US addresses. All prices shown in US Dollars
Is it safe to use my credit or debit on your site?
www.kakaakokasuals.com is safe! To improve security, a SSL certificate is encrypted on our store's content and published securely using HTTPS instead of HTTP.
Do you charge sales tax on items/orders?Â
Sales tax will be charged on all orders.
Will you ship to a PO BOX?
We can ship to a US PO box using only United States Postal Service (USPS).
Are there any shipping area restrictions?
We currently ship orders within the US, The UK, Japan, Canada and Australia.Â
Do you backorder?
We do not backorder items that have not shipped on your order. Please log on to our website at www.kakaakokasuals.com for updated availability on the missing item(s) or to view and purchase similar products.
Do you have a catalog?
We do not have a catalog. Our website carries our complete line.
How quickly will my order be shipped?
Orders may take 24 to 72 business hours to process an order. Shipping times depend on the destination of the order as well as the shipping service selected. Click here to track your order.
*There may be a delay in the delivery of your order depending on where you are located. Please see the service update from USPSÂ here.
How can I check the status of my order?
To check the status of your order, click here for order status.
How can I cancel/change my order?
Once an order has been placed it cannot be changed. You can cancel your order up to 20 minutes after being placed. 20 minutes after the order has been placed it cannot be canceled and it will process in full.
When do you charge my credit card for an order?
All credit cards are authorized at the moment of purchase. However, a credit card isn't charged until the items have shipped.
I am a wholesaler and am interested in ordering. How do I place my order?
Please send all wholesale requests to warehouse@kakaakokasuals.com.